Ernesto Rodriguez
Senior Product Manager (Digital Ventures), Boston Consulting Group
Ernesto Rodriguez is currently a Senior Product Manager for Digital Ventures at Boston Consulting Group. Previously he's been a Product Manager at companies such as Cooler Screens, Allscripts, and Outcome Health. His path to product management came to fruition over many years as a Customer Support Specialist at a few Chicago tech companies in the startup phase such as Groupon and Redbox. He also worked a few temp jobs in IT and Network support to learn the basics of technology systems thinking, and hands-on experience in communicating technology issues in lamens terms to end-users.
While on the front lines of support at various companies without a direct impact on a product roadmap to alleviate end-user frustrations, Ernesto realized the communication gaps between business, technology, and design. He rapidly grew into product management when working on a new product in his spare time at his job which ultimately became successful and profitable and landed him a full-time promotion. Ernesto has been a dedicated and passionate product person ever since.
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