Jay Perlman
Content Editor
Hailing from San Francisco, Jay is our resident authority on Silicon Valley. He loves writing about tech and its impact on the socio economic landscape. He can often be found air-drumming to tunes at his desk and, fun fact, he’s Phyllis Gardner’s son.
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How to Identify Problematic Product Managers
All Product Managers make mistakes, but there are some red flag traits to look out for. If you see these traits in your Product Manager, it might be time to reconsider if they're the right fit.

How Soft Skills Can Save a Business
Not enough attention is given to the importance of soft skills. However, they can be the make-or-break factor for a company.

Retention and Recruitment
The Benefit of Enterprise Training for Your Company
Enterprise training improves team efficiency and morale, ironing out a team's weak spots and saving costs. Product team training in particular is one of the best ways to create a Product-Led company full of problem solvers, collaborators, and leaders.
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